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Shaping The Future
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كيف تجعل منزلك على الطراز الكلاسيكي؟
النمط الداخلي الكلاسيكي مناسب تمامًا لأولئك الذين يقدرون المظهر الراقي
12 حقيقة عن النمط الكلاسيكي الجديد عليك معرفتها:
يرتبط الطراز الداخلي الكلاسيكي الجديد بإحساس الرقي والجمال الخالد وتقديس
أناقة قابلة للتكيف: استكشاف تنوع الطراز الداخلي الحديث.
يتميز التصميم الداخلي الحديث بأنه متعدد الاستخدامات ويمكن تكييفه ليناسب
Our Principles
There are two options : make progress or make success
Unity, Balance, Rhythm, Emphasis, Contract, Scale and Details.
Work Ethics
Do What is right not what is easy
Appearance, Attendance, Attitude, Character, Communication, Cooperation, Organizational skills, Productivity, Respect and Teamwork.
What We Do
Scale will shape your life
Scale is an architecture company for designing and implementing that will add meaning to your life …....... because we believe that “ SUCCESS COME AFTER LEARNING EVERYTHING “
Our History
You will scale your plan now
We started in October 2018 designing small business in Egypt with team of 4 interior designers on 1 pc in small office .. our first national project was the mosque in Damietta and our first international project was wedding hall in Saudi Arabia then success continued till now.
Team Members
Happy Clients
See What Our Clients Say About UsContact Us
Reach Out to Us Anytime and We’ll Happily Answer Your QuestionsYoussef Elsaady
Cofounder – Design Manager
Elsayed Khedr
Cofounder – Implementation Manager
Mohamed Shahin
Project Manager